Senin, 25 Februari 2013

How to Make a Chevron Bracelet

We will need:
  • 4 stings of different color, 200 cm each
1. Tie the strings in a knot and stick them to a table or attach them to your jeans with a safety pin. Arrange the strings as shown in the picture:
Chevron Bracelet. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets
2. Take the R1 string and make a forward knot on the Y1 string. Next, with the same R1 string make a forward knot on the B1 and then G1 strings.
Chevron Bracelet. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets
3. Take the R2 sting now and make backward knots on strings Y2, B2 and G2. When you reach the middle make a backward knot on the R1 string.
Chevron Bracelet. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets
4. Make the same knots with the yellow strings.
Chevron Bracelet. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets
5. Continue making knots from left to right and vice versa. Don’t forget to make a knot in the middle. When you finish, make a braid with a knot at the end.
Chevron Bracelet. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets

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